Saturday 5 March 2016

Being Me...

...essentially, this is what this blog will be about.

Who I am? Great question! I ask myself quite often.

In a nutshell, I am a 41 year old mother of three almost grown kids, who moved from Germany to the UK in 2005, but still seems to have trouble to create some kind of life for herself.

A nutshell, doesn't quite cut it when it comes to describing myself I find, but if you really wanted the full story, this would become some kind of never ending monologue. So, I will try and keep it shortish.

Over the last ten years I seemed to have been so busy being a single parent in a foreign country, that over looking after the kids, getting a degree and a career, which is only really starting to take direction, I have completely forgotten about myself.

My social life is non-existant. Up until January I have weighed the heaviest I ever have. I have not been on holiday since I was 13! I mean come on, that so needs to be fixed, and as for my love life, I think complicated is the best way of describing it, but I will write more about that some other time.

So, I guess over the next few posts I will tell you all about the plans I have for the near future. As I have piled on a huge amount of weight, I am aiming to use this blog for sharing my journey with you guys, but don't fear, I have no intention of making this just another weightloss blog. It will be pretty must about me, my life and how I am trying to turn things around a little, it will be my ranting space and I am also hoping to share with people things that I make (I love anything creative, be prepared to laugh at my terrible drawing attempts and even the odd knitted item).

But most of all I am just hoping to make some friends, some connections with people who like the same things as me. So feel free to drop me a line in the comments, check out my Instagram or YouTube Channel. Once they are up and running,I will update this post with the relevant links for you.

Thanks for reading :-)

Mona xx.

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